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Dreams like blooms opening on a warm day, fill our mind with the fragrance of hope |
Do you have dreams you want to see come to life? Have you ever thought of why or what it would be like if you did? I mean the good, the bad and the ugly? And have you thought about what the payback or fulfillment of reaching those dreams might be? It could be less fulfilling than you think.
This is a subject I have been pondering for a few weeks now as I work to gain a better focus on what is next in my life. My blog bears witness to some of my struggle with lack of focus and I am hoping to change that, but anyhow, I figured you might benefit from some of what I have been thinking so here goes. And please let me know what you think. I would really like to hear from you and what you think about this subject.
Dreams vs daily living...using spiritual gifts and talents.
I recently stated in large group that I have a dream to be an inspirational speaker...I have been thinking about what that really means and why I would even want to do it and came to some interesting conclusions.
When someone has a dream to do something that seems really big or challenging, there is most likely an under-girding gift or talent and desire they tend to employ in their daily lives that would help give birth to their dream. For me those things are speaking and writing like I do here on FB and through my journal writing. I love encouraging others and even moving in the prophetic gifts, something I use with great care. I speak to people every where I go, every day and I want my words to impact those I meet in a way that will change them for eternity. That doesn't always happen but I am getting better at it all the time thanks to God's grace working in and through me.
Communication through spoken and written word is a talent and gifting I recognize I have and I don't say that with any pride for this is not always an easy gift to own. It comes with many challenges and battles and only looks glamorous on the outside. Anyhow, along with this gift has come this crazy dream of one day being an inspirational speaker. I chuckle as I think of my goofy personality being on display on stage before a couple thousand people...but God uses whatever and whomever He wishes so I'm in.
Now before you go all "hyper encouragement" on me, I want you to hear what I have to say. This may seem like something really wonderful and great to go for but here's the deal; it is far more important to me that I daily speak with with the love and words of Christ to anyone I come into contact with than just to speak before a thousand people or ten thousand people. That dream of mine, I only desire it if it is God's will for me, when I can go in with His blessing and power. It's tempting to want to feel that adrenaline rush of being in front of large crowds and gain fame and those accolades of those who like what they hear...and it is a temptation trust me. The pride of life that feeds off of those fuels would only end in a big ol' face-plant on the pavement of life and I'd rather not thank you. It can also have a lot of collateral damage in the lives of others because it does not love, no matter how much we want to think it does.
I am constantly reminded that God requires us to be faithful with the little things He gives us to do, the quiet talents and gifts we have that sometimes seem so common and even homely. They are important things in God's eyes, it is we who judge them otherwise. He often gives us those to train us up for bigger things but not always, and people need those little things as much as the bigger more glamorous things, maybe more. The little things can be very intimate things. Think about it.
The reality is that we will always have the little things, they help to keep us grounded in humility and remind us Who is of supreme importance in this life. They keep us from becoming too full of ourselves when we can recognize it's not about us and all about God being glorified. So I may be completely capable of doing the thing I dream of and you may agree and are sitting there thinking "Go for it!", but God sees my heart and is the only one who really knows if and when I will be fit and ready, able to hit the mark He desires in the lives of those who He sends me to.
Another thing I was thinking about is how big events like conferences or hearing a famous speaker are often falsely perceived as wonderful watershed moments for us because we judge them based on our emotions. They are by nature things that get us all hyped up and feeling rosy and sure God uses them and those amazing speakers/teachers we get to listen too but in reality they are only a flash in the pan in bringing forth lasting change in our lives. That is why I want to live ready every day of my life and not focusing on my dream. I want the impact of my words to be lasting! And I don't want to be "famous" for what I say but want God's work to be the force and Him the famous one. I want to be that simple woman that God can count on. And I believe this in large part because hearts are more often won one at a time during the daily living of life than they ever are at large events. That simple meeting at a grocery store or at work, wherever it is that God sets up that moment so we can pour out into that other person's life the thing they need from Him and the other person is open to receive. I want to be that person in THAT moment because that is what leaves the biggest and more lasting mark in a person's life.
Do you have a spiritual gift or talent that God has been talking to you about using? Are you challenged by it, have a passion to use it or is it something that seems twisted up inside of you that you are afraid of using or just don't see how God could use you?
I am praying for you today that God will set you free in a profound way, tweeking your perspective and definitions to match His own so you can have greater confidence to use your gifts and talents. I pray you will lay down your desires and take up His for when you do the glory will rightfully be placed upon Him and lives will be changed for eternity. And the most amazing thing will happen...you will be blessed beyond anything you can imagine.
"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."
1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV