There is just no other way to say it; every year I work hard, I strive to water, feed and watch carefully. And then look at what happens!
My only for root maggots. |
Now granted, I did not sow these seeds, at least I didn't that I remember, though I have been known to regularly toss old seeds out in the compost heap so in essence I guess I did. There were originally two of them, one wasn't so hot looking but this one...oh I had high hopes for. It was gorgeous! The tops looked fabulous and my mouth was watering. I couldn't stand it any longer and yesterday I pulled this beauty up and what I found, well it wasn't pretty. The root maggots had beat me to it.
This is what they got. |
This is what we got. Sad isn't it? |
Confession: This is what I hate about gardening. Most of gardening I like or at least will do because it is needed in order to get a certain result, but this kind of thing is discouraging. I mean, I only had two turnips! Couldn't the darn flies go lay their stupid eggs somewhere else. Really guys, can' ya give me a break!
Dirty little scoundrel! |
Now yer lookin' more like the maggot you are!!! |
Normally you won't see me growing turnips, radishes and other crops that are affected by these insidious creatures. I've tried and I hate that I never seem to get the row cover on at the right time or forget to put in on all together...or think, "Maybe this year I won't have to."...that never ends well. In all honestly, I'd rather buy my root crops at the market and not have to fuss with the root maggots. So all I can say about this whole turnip growing thing for this year...Oh well, it was worth a try.
Happy Gardening!
I understand exactly what you are saying! I vow every year I won't plant any straight yellow squash, but I do and than I have war with the squash bugs haha God Bless! TOL!